Netsooon Technologies: Pioneering France's 2030 AI Vision with Unrivaled Digital Security Solutions

Netsooon Technologies stands at the epicenter of France’s ambitious 2030 AI vision, leading with groundbreaking solutions that ensure digital security,

 brand protection, health, sport, finance, and ethical AI integration. As AI revolutionizes industries, Netsooon emerges as a paragon of excellence, safeguarding businesses and consumers in our interconnected era.

Innovation And Technological Approach

At the core of Netsooon Technologies’ transformative capabilities lies the groundbreaking It represents a significant leap in AI development and deployment, offering unparalleled innovation and versatility. Our commitment to innovation, security, scalability, and adaptability makes us a trailblazer in the AI landscape, capable of providing transformative solutions to diverse challenges.

Security at Its Core:

Security is paramount. ensures 100% secure data handling, 

transmission, and storage. We implement the most robust encryption standards and adhere to strict security protocols, making us a trusted partner in sensitive domains.

Multimodal AI Modules:

Our R&D combines a diverse range of AI modules, enabling solutions that can understand 

and process various types of data, from text and images to audio and video. This multimodal capability ensures comprehensive problem-solving.

NLP, ML, and Computer Vision:

We cover the entire spectrum of AI capabilities. Natural Language Processing (NLP), 

Machine Learning (ML), and Computer Vision are seamlessly integrated into our platform. This holistic approach ensures we can tackle multifaceted challenges effectively.

Rapid Scalability::

Time sensitivity is a defining feature of many contemporary challenges. 

Our R&D allows projects to be quickly conceived and scaled for on-premises or secure cloud deployment. Whether it’s addressing immediate needs or planning for future growth, offers unmatched scalability.

Eco-Driven GPU Prowess: The EU's Sustainable Tech Vanguard!

Embracing the heart of European innovation and upholding the stringent EU regulations,, in collaboration with our esteemed Austrian GPU partners, is setting the benchmark in green technological advancements. Our unique AI-enhanced, energy-efficient GPU systems epitomize the fusion of top-tier technology with environmental responsibility. Dive into the EU’s forefront of sustainable tech evolution, where compliance meets cutting-edge.

For every mentioned problem, we have created an Innovative solution

Emmanuel Macron

1 Adolescent sur 5 a déjà été Harcelé sur les réseaux sociaux. En cette journée mondiale pour un Internet plus sûr, faisons passer le message : soyons collectivement plus vigilants, plateformes et internet. Victime ou témoin : Instagram 2022

Emmanuel Macron,
French President

Gabriel Attal

UNE PRIORITÉ ABSOLUE": GABRIEL ATTAL PROMET DES MESURES POUR LUTTER CONTRE LE HARCÈLEMENT SCOLAIRE Le ministre de l'Éducation nationale indique vouloir présenter des textes pour permettre de faire changer d'établissement les élèves harceleurs et de prendre des sanctions à leur encontre en cas de cyberharcèlement d'élèves d'établissements différents.

Gabriel Attal
Minister of National Education and Youth


Le ministre de l'Intérieur demande à la police et à la gendarmerie de "mobiliser l'ensemble des moyens nécessaires au suivi des individus et groupes d'individus ciblés comme ayant été à l'origine des actions violentes lors des émeutes"

Gérald Darmanin
Minister of the Interior of France

Jean-Noël Barrot

Grâce a l’action de Brigitte Macron et avec le @gouvernementFR nous luttons pied a pied contre le cyber harcèlement et les contenus violents. La protection des enfants dand l’ espace numérique est une priorité absolue.

Jean-Noël Barrot, Ministre délégué auprès du ministre de l’Économie, des Finances et de la Souveraineté industrielle et numérique, chargé de la Transition numérique et des télécommunications. Instagram, 2022


The power of information to build resilience in a volatile world
In the face of the “pervasive instability and threat” described by NATO’s Strategic Concept, Allies must do more to strengthen the resilience of our societies. We face a growth in the challenges we face together, illustrated by the UK’s Integrated Review describing the world as “volatile and contested”. As our National Resilience Framework sets out, we need a whole-of-society approach to better prepare ourselves for instability - and communication is crucial in delivering this by informing, mobilising and preparing populations.


Science Direct

Overcrowding in emergency departments is a problem in many countries around the world, including the United States and Chile. Emergency department (ED) overcrowding causes problems for patients and staff, including increased waiting times, increased ambulance diversion, increased length of stay, increased medical errors, increased patient mortality, and increased harm to hospitals due to financial losses. This article aims to describe the etiology of ED overcrowding and potential solutions through an examination of the evidence. Ultimately, ED overcrowding originates from hospital overcrowding and thus the solutions to this complex problem lie in the ED itself as well as outside of the ED

Science Direct

How can we work together ?

Our solutions are made for governmental administration , schools and universities, hospitals, banks ,pharma,large companies with sensitive data and reputation to protect armed and security forces.Our solutions are as well for celebrities, politicians and individuals.
Online security and and reputation protection, children and animals protection , domestic violenece, homeland security, green and unique innovative GPU, health, Fintech, social media , e-commerce, and much more.

Yes we developed several prototype ready to go to market

Yes we are looking for talent mainly in AI and social media and health ready to move to the beautiful Côte d’ Azur.


Yes we are looking for investors looking for a fast growing business with a high impact

Core Values


We prioritize solutions that have a positive impact on society.

Ethical AI

Responsible AI development is at the core of our principles.


We push the boundaries of AI technology to create groundbreaking solutions.


We collaborate closely with clients to deliver tailored, effective solutions.
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